Aleksey Pesoshin: All cities and regions of Tatarstan are provided with modern sports facilities

22 January 2023, Sunday

On 22 January Russian Sports Minister Oleg Matytsin and Tatarstan President Aleksey Pesoshin took part in an expanded meeting of the regional Sports Ministry collegium.

In his report regional Minister of Sports Vladimir Leonov informed that 8 athletes from Tatarstan took part in the 24th Winter Olympics held in Beijing, five of them winning Olympic medals. 

Currently there are more than 11 600 sports facilities in the republic and the share of residents doing sports and exercises has increased by 10 per cent in the last five years and makes 57.8 per cent of the population of the republic, the Minister said 

He also informed participants of the meeting about regional sports facilities capital overhaul programmes, work of school and university sports clubs and involvement of rural residents and elderly people into sports activities.

Speaking about 161 sports school of the republic, Vladimir Leonov said that they train athletes in 136 kinds of sports, and in 2022 regional athletes won 944 medals at Russian and international sports competitions. 

He concluded by saying that despite the difficult year, Kazan continues to confirm the status of sports capital of Russia and hosted 69 large sports events in 2022.

In his turn Oleg Matytsin has given a high assessment of Tatarstan work in the sports sphere. “Tatarstan is rightly considered one of the leaders in implementing federal sports projects. It is important that all responsibilities the republic undertakes in commissioning sports facilities and implementation of subsidies are always fulfilled in time,” he said. 

Aleksey Pesoshin informed that currently all cities and regions of Tatarstan have modern sports facilities, and only in 2022 the republic commissioned 197 facilities with the total cost of 4bn230m roubles. At the same time there is a problem of technical aging of the equipment of the sports facilities, he said and gave an errand to the Sports Ministry together with the owners to carry out work in signing engineering systems maintenance contracts. “In 2023 we will continue development of sports infrastructure also using PPP mechanisms”, he concluded. 

In the end of the meeting, Tatarstan Prime Minister handed in a number of regional state awards.

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